Saturday, September 6, 2008

Wow, it has been forever since I have updated.  The last TWO months of summer have been crazy. I won't bore you with all of it but I will tell you all how much fun our VACATION was.  We flew out on a Wednesday and arrived in San Fran.  It was humid and nice.  We got checked into our hotel that was nice.  It definitely wasn't the Fitzpatrick that we stayed in New York.  After getting settled in we headed down to Union Square to do some SHOPPING!! We each had a certain $ amount that we could spend and I spent mine the first day we were there.  Good thing I snuck the debit card a few times when Phil wasn't looking.  The next day we headed down to the Wharf.  It was beautiful.  I love the ocean.  We hung out there all day and watched the Sea Lions, the street performers, and ate lots of YUMMY food.  Friday was RADIO HEAD!!! We slept in got ready and headed to the Golden Gate Park.  It was HUGE.  The concert was AWESOME!! After 8 hours of music we headed home.  Saturday was just a casual day china town, aquarium of the bay, and union square.  Sunday we biked the Golden Gate Bridge.  It was AWESOME.  I never thought of a vacation where you would bike 8 miles but it was beautiful.  You start out at the Wharf follow the bike path to the bridge and end up in Saucilito where you catch a ferry bike to the wharf.  Saucilto was this cute little yacht type town.  I loved it there.  Monday was our final day in San Fran and we went to Alcatraz.  Alcatraz was a maximum security federal penitentiary.  We got to tour the prison and see how the prisoners lived.  You had a tour that was audio and it explained about the famous prisoners.  After that we caught a flight bake to reality.  Phil starts school and we both will continue to work.


SETHER+ONE said...

I was just asking Seth yesterday when the concert was! So so jealous. It sounded like a perfect vacation. You guys deserved it. I hope you took some pictures...

Paul said...

mel and phil!!! its paul, as in neighbor paul and leslie! i just came across your blog and just wanted to say, phil I DIG YOUR 'STACHE! actually, i just wanted to say hi, and its been a long time. I hope all is going well. we still wish you were our neighbors.

Paul and Alli Watson said...

Finally!!! I am so glad you updated your blog. Keep it up. I love reading about ya.

Ashley Mullen said...

Mel, how are you? Love the blog. IT has been forever.

sharpfamiy said...

What a fun vacation! Play like crazy now before you have kiddos. Don't get me wrong, kids are the best and you'll never have more fun. But it would be fun to just go do whatever you want with you husband now and then without looking for babysitters or finding child friendly activities all the time. Anyway, I'm glad you had fun and that you updated your blog. I should too. We should get the girls together for lunch sometime, eh? Heather Sharp

todd, christy & kids said...

SOunds you guys had tons of fun on your vacation! I am jeolous! Hopefully soon I will make a trip up there soon to visit everyone up there.